Dr. Hill was previously a member of the Board of Directors from the Annual General Meetings of 2008 until 2012. Currently Visiting Professor of Pharmacology at Imperial College in London, and Chairman/Non‑Executive Director of Avilex (Denmark), Chair of SAB Asceneuron (Switzerland) and was NED of Orexo AB (Sweden) from 2008 to 2019. Prior to his retirement, he was Executive Director, Licensing and External Research at Merck/MSD in Europe (2002 ‑ 2008); Executive Director, Pharmacology (1990‑2002) at the Merck Neuroscience Research Centre and had oversight responsibility for Neuroscience research at the Banyu Research Labs in Tsukuba, Japan (1997‑2002). At Merck, he chaired a number of discovery project teams including those responsible for the marketed products Maxalt® and Emend®. Dr. Hill received his academic training (BPharm PhD) at the University of London. He was awarded an Honorary DSc by the University of Bradford in 2004 and was elected to Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2005. He was a lecturer in Pharmacology at the University of Bristol School of Medicine from 1974 to 1983 and supervisor in Pharmacology at Downing College, University of Cambridge from 1983 to 1988. He joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1983 as Head of Biology and founder member of the Park Davis Research Unit at Cambridge. In 1988, he joined SK&F (United Kingdom) as Group Director of Pharmacology and in 1990 moved to Merck. He is a past Council Member of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences and President Emeritus of the British Pharmacological Society. He is a Visiting Professor at the University of Bristol and was a member of the UK Government Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs from 2010 to 2019. He continues to serve on the ACMD Working Group on the Medicinal Uses of Cannabis and is a member of the drug misuse WG of Royal Pharmaceutical Society Science Committee.